Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Solihull FOE proud as Fairtrade and Local Food Directory 2011-2012 published

Solihull FOE is proud to be able to announce the publication of the Fairtrade and Local Food Directory 2011-2012.

Solihull FOE, Transition Solihull and other local groups in the Borough have endeavoured for this to happen and close working with Solihull Borough Council has now made this possible.

We believe that it is important to support local farmers and local food in the Borough in order to help have a healthy and sustainable local economy which serves local people. This can help towards a more efficient use of resources which is sympathetic to the environment around us. The local food directory produced and distributed to the people of Solihull is a small step towards our goals.

However, where food and produce is imported from around the world, it is fair that farmers and their families from foreign countries get paid a fair price for their produce and can have a guaranteed minimum standard of living rather than being left to struggle due to large multi-national firms pressurising them to sell at a price that struggles to provide a subsistence living. This is what Fairtrade is all about.

Please feel free to distribute the directory.

If you would like your very own hard copy of the directory, then please email us via solihullfoe@gmail.com OR alternatively, email Transition Solihull via transitionsolihull@gmail.com

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